摇摆于纪录片和真实电影之中retraces a journey from the end of summer to deepest winter, from East Germany, across Poland and the Baltics, to Moscow. It is a voyage Chantal Akerman wanted to make shortly after the collapse of the Soviet bloc, “before it was too late,” reconstructing her impressions in the manner of a documentary on the border of fiction. By filming “everything that touched me,” Akerman sifts through and fixes upon sounds and images as she follows the thread of this subjective crossing. Unfolding without dialogue or commentary, FROM THE EAST takes the form of a cinematic elegy.
寿喜锅:日式火锅精髓是生鸡蛋沐浴肉肉~ 寿司:原来寿司拼盘也可以有聚会大餐~ 糖醋里脊:思念的酸与回忆的甜。 咕噜肉:中式古风与酱汁淋到炒饭上~ 意大利面:花式意大利面~ 毛蟹:真的这么好吃么? 栗子蛋糕:800日元的豪华蛋糕~ 姜黄酱:咖喱咖喱,加力加力,包容一切,充满一切。 温吞双黄蛋:吊着一切~ 寿喜锅: 过去与未来并不一定要相同, 现在做出改变,现在做出尝试,现在变换心情, 讨厌会变成喜欢,懒惰能变成勤奋,遗忘的能被记起。 毛蟹粥: 好吃的,温暖的,都可以让人热泪盈眶。 韩国按摩电影X 我整日无所事事✓